Writing a congratulations graduation card doesn't need to be an overwhelming task. If you stick to following general greeting card message tips, your congratulations message will be perfect:
- Stay on point.
- Be sincere.
- Give details.
Staying on point will not only help to drive home the message of congratulating your grad, but it will keep the message within the limited space. Remember, a congratulations card is not a dissertation, the length should be limited.
Being sincere is the key to writing any great greeting card message. Sticking to this key point will help to avoid going overboard with your compliments. Sincerity brings out authenticity which allows the recipient to feel seen.
Giving details will further the element of sincerity. Why are you proud of them? Get personal here to really drive home your point.
An example of what to say in a congratulations graduation card:
We are all so proud of you for making it through not only your undergraduate program, but excelling in your masters program as well. And you should be proud too. Congratulations on achieving your Masters Degree! Watching your dedication to your studies the last few years, we have all been inspired by your tenacity. Can't wait to see what you accomplish next!
Your second family,
The Kerlins